Joe Spraggins Honorary Chair
Andy Wyatt Honorary Treasurer
Zoe Aarons Honorary Secretary
Rob Ellis Membership Secretary
Ann Brennan Head of Swimming
Adrian Brammer Head of Cycling
Eddie Rolls Head of Men's Running
Ellie Andrews Head of Women's Running
Phil Ratliff Head of Triathlon
Roxanne Sweeney Social Secretary
Gavin Brandie Communications
Ben Gates Risk Management
Committee meetings are held at least every other month if not more frequently.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in November - click here for meeting minutes.
Joe Spraggins - Honorary Chair
Loves: Trails, Omelettes, Belgium beer, Parkrun, Porridge, Flat Caps
Hates: Swimming, Queuing, Being hungry
Seven years ago I turned up for my first session, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Now I suddenly find myself at the helm of one of the biggest (and best!) clubs in the country. Joining the Chasers has shown me it really doesn't matter how fast you are, or what your dreams and aspirations are, it's all about just getting stuck in and enjoying yourself.
I've already made some friends for life at the club and continued to be amazed by some of the incredible things our members are doing. Don't think about getting involved; just dive in and do it!
Loves: Cycling, snowboarding, mountains, maps, exploring, beer, snacks
Hates: Punctures, inconsiderate road users, litter
Having joined the Chasers in 2012 with a view to doing triathlon, it wasn’t long until I discovered I really didn’t like open water, wasn’t overly keen on swimming or running or early mornings and that cycling was great. However, after three years of dedicated cycling, I finally managed two sprint and one middle distance triathlon over the course of one summer, where I had a proper panic attack at the start of swim. Once I realised no-one was coming to help, and that I could just about put my feet on the bottom of the lake, I got on with it, even enjoying the swim, and completed my first and last middle distance triathlon! At some stage the Chaser tri-suit, which still fits, will probably come out of retirement. Until then, I enjoy studying maps of Surrey and Kent, trying to figure out ways to make the same old roads somehow different, and every now and again finding a whole new road. I actually quite like trail running, and swimming in perfect, big, largely empty 5ft deep swimming vestibules.
Through the Chasers I’ve met loads of new friends, been to loads of new places and had loads of great times and more than a few beers and snacks. When the opportunity to become treasurer came up, combining my love of numbers, spreadsheets & Chasers, I couldn’t believe my luck and jumped at the opportunity to give back to our club & community. I’m still working on the proposal for a snack budget.
Zoe Aarons - Honorary Secretary
Loves: tbc
Hates: tbc
Eddie Rolls - Men's running
Day job: TBC
Ellie Andrews - Ladies' Running
I joined Clapham Chasers in 2014 immediately after moving to London, and it has been a major part of my life ever since. It is an incredibly friendly club that will make you feel welcome.
Be warned - you may start (like I did) with team 10k and vague plan of running a half marathon “at some point”. It’s a slippery slope from there - before long you’ll be signed up for everything from marathons to XC and wondering what non runners could possibly be doing with their weekends!
Roxanne Sweeney - Social Secretary
Day job: TBC
Ben Gates- Risk Management and Welfare
Day job: tbc
Gavin Brandie - Communications and Publicity