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Contact us

As a volunteer club we monitor these emails regularly but not daily. We try to respond to most emails within 7 days of receipt. Thank you for your patience.

Main Club Contact
Joe Spraggins (Chair) 
Please use this for general enquiries about the club (for joining and sessions see below)

Memberships Contact
This is only for membership enquiries

Session Specific Contacts
Running Sessions (Ellie Andrews & Eddie Rolls):
Bike Sessions / Intro Rides (Adrian Brammer):

Swimming Sessions (Philippa Rice):

Head of Triathlon Contact
Triathlon sessions, novice programmes, racing and triathletes joining etc

Club Secretary
Governing body affiliations, subscriptions and formal communications

Club Treasurer

Ann Brennan:

This is only for payment enquiries/issues

Club Communications Officer

Gavin Brandie:

Welfare Officers

Ben Gates:

Facebook Group (awaiting approval): PLEASE do not email us enquiring about your approval. We get a lot of requests to join from members and non-members and it can take a while to sort through the approvals. Thanks for your patience.

Contact us

General enquiries:

Find the right email from our contact list

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